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Validity of Detention & Demurrage Clauses

The decision of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. v Cottonex Ansalt appears to be...

Jagan March 30, 2015

Revised Freight Rates / GRI’s – are they valid?

One of my friends recently contacted me over an issue which he faced with...

Jagan March 9, 2015

If requested by Shipper's, should Carrier's show additional details in their Bills of Lading?

We have been asked regularly by our clients as to whether they should accede...

Jagan January 31, 2015

Container Operators – Trading to Iran

There continues to be growing containerized trade between the Indian Sub-Continent/Middle East to Iran...

Jagan January 9, 2015

Fiduciary Duty in the Transportation Industry

This article discusses on the Fiduciary Duty of participants in the Transportation Industry at...

Jagan November 29, 2014

Would clausing the B/L “Container to be package for Limitation” be valid?

This article discusses on the effect of the clause "Container to be package for...

Jagan November 15, 2014

ICC Clause 4.6 application for Container Shipments

This article discusses on the exclusions available under Institute Cargo Clauses Cl.4.6, its implications...

Jagan November 1, 2014

Refrigerated Claims Handling

Presentation given on 16th Oct 2014 at the Maritime Knowledge Shipping Session 29 jointly...

Jagan October 17, 2014

Electronic Bills of Lading

This article discusses on Electronic Bills of Lading with reference to Paper Bills of...

Jagan September 10, 2014

Shipped on Board Date

This article discusses on the relevance of Shipped on Board Date and the date...

Jagan August 24, 2014

Standard Trading Conditions and its importance to Transport Operators

This article discusses on the importance of Standard Trading Conditions to International Transport Operators...

Jagan August 18, 2014

Switch Bills of Lading - Revisited

At the request of their customers, Carriers regularly issue Switch Bills of Lading. This...

Jagan August 10, 2014

Is limitation under the Hague Rules more generous than the Hague/Visby Rules?

This article discusses the limitation of liability available under the Hague and Hague/Visby Rules....

Jagan July 20, 2014

Issues to be considered when Container Operators become Slot Charterers

This article discusses in detail on the issues to be considered when a Container...

Jagan July 20, 2014

Clause 5.6 of Institute Container Clauses, Time 1/1/87

This article focuses on Clause 5.6 of Institute Container Clauses, Time 1/1/87 and its...

Jagan July 12, 2014

Double Insurance and its effect on marine policies

This article describes issues which may arise when there is double insurance One of...

Jagan July 5, 2014

GA - Insurance Covers

This article focuses on the insurance cover available to various parties who may be...

Jagan June 29, 2014

General Average – issues arising in Container Shipping

This article discusses, as we see it, the issues faced in General Averages in...

Jagan June 18, 2014

Should Agents act as “ad hoc” Delivery Agent for others?

In our role as consultants to various shipping companies, we have been asked by...

Jagan June 8, 2014

Cargo Owners Liability

In our course of work, we have been involved in many claims for which...

Jagan May 31, 2014

Should a Container Operator become a Slot Charterer?

Article for Container Operators / NVOCC discussing the advantages of becoming a Slot Charterer...

Jagan May 25, 2014

Calculating Cargo Exposures for Transport Liability Operators

This article focusses on International transport intermediaries / operators acting as contractual carriers (who...

Jagan May 23, 2014

Demurrage and Detention

This article focuses on Detention and Demurrage. As the target audience includes Bulk and...

Jagan May 11, 2014

Abandonment of Cargo

The first question to ask is what abandonment of cargo is and why does...

Jagan May 4, 2014